ENABLING PET PARENTS TO SEED DAY WITH BENSON HILL® UP TO CO2 e LOWER CO2e EMISSIONS † LESS WATER USE † BETTER FOR PETS, THE PLANET AND YOUR BUSINESS 89% of pet parents are concerned with how our choices impact the planet.‡ The environment, climate and water conservation follow animal welfare as their primary concerns.‡ Using data science and plant science, our business model bridges the farmer-to-consumer gap, connecting data streams for those seeking carbon neutrality. INGREDIENTS PROTEIN NUTRITION WITH VERIFIED SUSTAINABILITY BENEFITS: UP TO BHINGREDIENTS.COM † On a per kilogram of protein basis when replacing soy protein concentrate (SPC) with Benson Hill Ultra High Protein soybean meal, based on preliminary Life Cycle Assessment results conducted by Blonk Consultants (April 2021). ‡ Benson Hill. (2023) Nurturing Pet and Planet. Unpublished company research. © Benson Hill. 2023. All rights reservedhttp://qrco.de/be4apF http://www.BHINGREDIENTS.COM