INDUSTRY PARTNERS Pet food manufacturers and the suppliers that support them keep the pet food and treat industry growing and thriving. The expertise required to produce products for those four-legged family members keeps expanding as pet food and treat formats continue to evolve. From ingredient procurement to process technology to end-of-line solutions, manufacturers rely on the knowledge provided by ingredient, equipment, packaging and service suppliers with experience in pet food and treat manufacturing to drive growth for their brands and businesses, as well as for the industry as a whole. As an invaluable resource to manufacturers, Pet Food Processing offers its Suppliers Directory and Buyers Guide to help connect brands with pet food and treat manufacturing solutions. In the following pages you will find a listing of industry suppliers offering cutting-edge solutions, ontrend ingredients, and key process and product development services for pet food and treat manufacturers. Following the directory, starting on Page 95, is a detailed Buyers Guide designed to help you find the right partners you need to help improve your processes and products. Listings can be found in the following categories: BUYERS GUIDE Equipment Food safety/sanitation Ingredients Packaging equipment Packaging materials Quality inspection Services 95 102 104 108 110 111 111 80 PET FOOD PROCESSING | September 2023 | www.petfoodprocessing.net